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What Happens When Leather Gets Wet and How to Save It?

Posted by The Green Tanners on 19th Apr 2024

What Happens When Leather Gets Wet and How to Save It?

Leather is an extremely beneficial present because of the material's durability, resilience, and classic charm. Despite its robustness, water poses the greatest risk due to its susceptibility to weather-related damage. Moisture can cause major damage to your goods, whether it comes from unforeseen downpours, accidents, or travelling in unfavorable weather. difficult. If you have the correct knowledge and techniques, though, you may bring the wet skin back to its previous beauty and give it new vitality.

Understanding the Impact of water on Leather

Numerous adverse skin reactions that are brought on by moisture have the potential to harm both the product and your appearance.

1. Absorption of water

Because leather is a natural material, its porous structure allows it to absorb water quickly. When exposed, rigid fibers swell, gaining weight and weakening the structure. This absorption could raise the possibility of injury, which could show up more clearly in skin that has been injured or neglected.

leather wet, leather gets wet

2. Discoloration

Water has the power to expand and break down the color of leather, leaving it discolored and stained in an ugly way. It is possible for the once-bright color to fade and blend, and for the lovely beauty to lose its attraction. It is critical that action be taken right away to lower these risks and stop more harm. 

3. Mould and Fungal Growth

Both mildew and mould are kinds of fungi that grow best in damp, dark places. They find their perfect habitat when they remain wet for extended periods of time. If you let these intruders grow, the leather will smell terrible and deteriorate more quickly. To prevent microbial infection, it is crucial to apply the ointment as soon as possible to damp skin. 

4. Deterioration

Constant saturation weakens the skin's structural integrity and increases its vulnerability to breaking. It is possible for the material to become more and more brittle and breakable. The item's aesthetic appeal and functional integrity are both at risk due to this degeneration, which calls for quick action to avoid further harm.

leather condoning, buffing leather surface, leather maintenance

Preserving Wet Leather: A Step by Step Guide

When dealing with damp skin of leather, prompt action is necessary to reduce damage and promote a successful recovery. 

First, give your skin a thorough cleaning with a premium cleanser. It should work just fine, but try putting it to a discrete spot on your clothes, like the bottom of a big bag, a pocket, or the sleeve of your jacket. When working with furniture, flip it over and examine the area at the bottom where the bend is in the shape.

1. Drain any extra water: 

Start by using a cool, absorbent cloth to gently wipe damp skin. Refrain from scratching or rubbing as this could exacerbate damage and result in discoloration. Instead, focus on absorption and use a soft hand to expedite the drying process without applying excessive pressure to the fabric. 

2. Allow it to dry naturally: 

Allow the leather to air dry naturally in a well-ventilated space after it has absorbed extra moisture. Steer clear of direct heat sources like hair dryers and radiators since too much heat can hasten the drying process and lead to early breaking. Rather, employ the practice of moderate drying to enable the leather to rapidly restore its original moisture content, hence extending its lifespan. 

3. Condition and moisturize: 

To restore the skin's oil and softness after drying, use a reputable skin care product or moisturizer. Distribute the product evenly over the skin, focusing especially on dry or rough areas. The skin is given fresh life by this regeneration, which also increases its resistance to more dampness. 

4. Protect and maintain: 

Apply a hydrophobic lotion or spray to prevent further water damage to your skin. This product protects and prolongs the life of the skin by forming a barrier that keeps moisture out. You need to take proper treatment of your leather products by cleaning and tackling them if you want them to look their best and last more time.

leather polishing, leather conditioning, leather maintenance


Water shouldn't have any detrimental effect on your personal belongings, but it can cause serious harm to leather objects by fostering the growth of dampness, creating stains, and reducing their functionality. You can maintain the good state of your leather and avert further damage by being aware of the impact of moisture on it and taking preventive action. You may revitalize your leather items and ensure that they are valued for many years to come with perseverance, commitment, and creative thinking.

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